Finding A Lawyer Should Be Simple



How We Can Help You Connect with an Experienced Patent Lawyer

If you have an invention, the only way to protect it is by establishing a patent. But obtaining a patent is a complicated process. You must ensure your patent is completely new and original, or else the PTO will reject your application. And even after you have a patent, you still have to worry about enforcing your patent rights, especially when you believe your work was stolen.

Patent attorneys can assist with all legal matters regarding your invention, from helping you apply for a patent to evaluating your invention for originality to filing a patent infringement lawsuit. They know exactly what the PTO expects and will make sure all your legal needs are resolved quickly and successfully.

But as difficult as it can be to obtain a patent or file a lawsuit, is as difficult as it can be to find legal counsel you can trust. If you let the future of your invention fall into the hands of an inexperienced lawyer, your ideas may never be recognized and you may never be able to capitalize on your invention. So how do you find an attorney you can trust? That’s where we come in. provides instant access to the top patent attorneys across the United States. We know that the process of finding and retaining legal representation isn’t always easy, so we provide access to experienced attorneys in your state from one single, convenient location, so you won’t have to waste any time in searching for legal counsel. Browse our site to find patent lawyers in your state and hometown, then click on their profiles to learn more about their individual backgrounds, education, firm, and other important details. Once you find the lawyer you wish to work with, simply give them a call or use our convenient contact form.

Our Patent Attorneys are the Real Deal

Did you know that a regular attorney cannot help you with anything related to your patent? Regular attorneys can’t file a patent application, they can’t litigate patent infringement cases, and they will likely leave you owing tons money, instead of helping you make it. Only patent attorneys licensed to practice before the PTO are legally able to help you patent your invention. And in order to practice before the PTO, an attorney must pass BOTH the standard Bar exam and a special Patent Attorney Bar.

Most patent attorneys hold undergraduate or graduate degrees in engineering, so they know exactly how to tell whether an invention is original or not and can help you modify your creation to meet PTO guidelines. All of our featured attorneys are registered patent lawyers so you know you’ll not only be working with a knowledgeable legal professional, but with someone who is an expert at everything regarding patents and the PTO.

After all the hard work you’ve put into your invention, it’s time you let an experienced and licensed patent attorney help you reap the benefits. Contact one of our featured patent lawyers or reach us directly for more information on the attorneys practicing near you.

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