Georgia Copyright Attorneys
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Call 800-672-3103 for a Free Consultation. Our copyright lawyers in Georgia can help you navigate the complexities of copyright, intellectual property, and trademark law to ensure the protection of rights for your creative works. The copyright law in the United States is a complicated and lengthy procedure that allows for almost any type of work to be copyrighted.
If you are looking to safeguard your inventions, designs, or products, you will need to apply for a patent or trademark.
A patent is an official document issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that grants the holder of the patent exclusive rights that make them the only one who can manufacture, use, sell, and import into the United States their invention. A US patent is issued with a validity of 20 years (utility patents).
If you need legal help in this domain you are in the right place. We have the legal pros that can help you defend your patent and establish it. Our attorneys on can also help you to determine if there is a patent out there for the idea that you have which can save you loads of time so you do not end up targeting an idea someone else has already thought of.
Some of the most common questions are addressed here that patent legal counselors hear all the time.
If you happen to be an inventor, an innovator, or a creator of original works (be it art, music, etc) then the only way you can protect your invention or creation from being ripped off and used by someone else for their own personal gain and profit is by getting your invention patented.
When you have your invention protected by a patent, anyone that uses your invention without your due permission would have essentially committed a crime and you can sue them for the same and receive compensation.
A lot of inventors who sell their products without a patent fall victim to those who reverse engineer their product find out how it works, manufacture it, and sell the same product themselves.
There are hundreds of thousands of patents out there and many times, an idea or invention that you think is original and the first of its kind is something that has already been done by someone else. A patent search will allow you to determine if your invention or work is actually a new invention and whether it qualifies for a patent.
A patent search is paramount and a useful process that must be completed prior to jumping into actually filing for the patent itself by submitting an application.
A provisional patent, as the name suggests, is a temporary patent that essentially gives your invention the status of “patent pending”. The provisional patent basically means that you have filed your patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and that any filings made for the same product, or invention after this date will not be eligible for a patent.
There are three different broad classifications of patents, namely, a utility patent, a design patent, and a plant patent.
While utility patents serve to protect inventions, and plant patents serve to protect asexually produced plant strains, design patents are meant to protect visual characteristics embodied in or applied to an article. Therefore, for example, an artwork would be protected by a design patent.
Filing for and acquiring a patent is a pretty exhaustive process and can be daunting for anyone who is not a professional. Thankfully, you are at the right spot in the virtual world. At, you can use the local lawyers’ directory on the home page to find yourself the best patent lawyer in Georgia.
Alternatively, you can also use the interactive map of Georgia to get information on patent lawyers in your area, if any. You can expand your search, no worries.
All it takes is a couple of clicks to get the phone numbers of legal pros who you can call directly to set up a free initial consultation. If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to buzz one of our knowledgeable reps via a live chat so you can send them your information so we can call you back. Also, you could punch out the free case evaluation form so we can call you back and help you find the legal pro that you need.
We want you to be successful here. We will help you find a legal representative who can help guide you in the direction you need to go.
Call 800-672-3103 for a Free Consultation. Our Georgia copyright attorneys handle all aspects of intellectual property law including copyright, patent, and trademark infringement claims. Let us help you protect your interests and rights.
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