New York Copyright Attorneys
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Call 800-672-3103 for a Free Consultation. Our copyright lawyers in New York can help you navigate the complexities of copyright, intellectual property, and trademark law to ensure the protection of rights for your creative works. The copyright law in the United States is a complicated and lengthy procedure that allows for almost any type of work to be copyrighted.
To file for a patent in the state of New York, there are a few things you are going to need. First and foremost, you will need a patentable idea. This must be something new that has never been developed before. You can conduct a patent search before initiating the application process to ensure your idea isn’t already patented. One reason why it is advisable to hire a New York patent and trademark attorney is that they can help you conduct this search. There may be a point where you come across an idea that is similar to yours and aren’t exactly sure if that prohibits you from filing for your patent.
Based on your invention, you must figure out which type of patent is going to be best for you. The three kinds of patents you can apply for include:
Another thing you want to do is decide what type of patent application you want to fill out. There is a provisional patent application and a non-provisional patent application. Our NY patent lawyers are more than capable of helping you decide which is the best for you at this moment and can go more in-depth on what each does and why it would benefit you to take that route.
According to How Stuff Works, the patent process can be rather complicated and even overwhelming. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) can reject a patent or trademark application which is why you should have a patent attorney in New York review your idea entirely before going through the hassle of submitting your application.
If you choose to file a formal application which is also recognized as a non-provisional application, some elements will be required of you. Some things that you must include in your patent application are:
Claims are an important part of your application and are listed after the specification. “Claims define the legal scope of your patent and describe the boundaries of your invention.” There are independent claims as well as dependent claims so it is best to have one of our patent and trademark lawyers explain all this to you.
Another part of the process you don’t want to forget about is the filing fees. These vary based on your type of patent and range based on how you choose to submit your application, whether it be mailed in or submitted online.
Patents help protect your ideas from being used by others who are looking to make money off your ideas. If you have a patent for your invention and someone infringes or steals your idea, you can pursue them for damages by filing a lawsuit against them. But, because the patent process is so complex and takes a significant amount of time before it will be processed, you want to do everything you can to increase your chances of having your application approved.
With that in mind, give us a call here at and we will help you get in contact with some of the best patent and trademark attorneys in the state of New York.
Call 800-672-3103 for a Free Consultation. Our New York copyright attorneys handle all aspects of intellectual property law including copyright, patent, and trademark infringement claims. Let us help you protect your interests and rights.
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